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Ms. Carolyn Garcia » Welcome Historians!

Welcome Historians!

My name is Carolyn Garcia. I have been teaching Global History at West Bronx Academy since 2007. After graduating from the University of Delaware in 2001, I began working in the fashion industry. I liked working creatively within a team and the fast pace of NYC but ultimately something was missing from my life. Then, I made one of the best decisions professionally to earn a masters degree in the science of teaching at Manhattanville College.  Today, I'm proud to be a Social Studies teacher.
In the subject area of social studies the 10th grade will be focusing on global history from the Enlightenment to the present day. During the fall semester we will examine ideas produced during the Enlightenment, and analyze the causes and effects of various forms of revolution around the world. The focus in the spring will be on war, politics, and human rights violations that developed throughout the 21st century. Academically we will strengthen our historical reading and writing skills to further our development in understanding of Global history.
This course culminates with students taking the New York State Global History and Geography Regents. The Global regents exam will cover world history from 1750 to the present and skills taught over the two-year global course. The format of the exam includes 28 stimulus based multiple choice questions, sets of document constructed response questions, and one enduring issue essay. Throughout the school year students will be practicing and developing the skills necessary to pass.
Ms. Carolyn Garcia
High School Social Studies - Global II, Participation in Government/Economics, Social Studies Department Chair
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